7 Ways to Redeem an Offense

7 Ways to Redeem an Offense

I recently received a complaint from a woman who I will call Ruth (not her real name) regarding a video clip I used in one of my blog posts. The video is called It’s Not about the Nail. It features a graphic metaphor built around a woman with a nail in her forehead...
Lincoln’s Relational Wisdom

Lincoln’s Relational Wisdom

The current political climate, at both state and national levels, has highlighted the close connection between politics, pride and emotion. In an outward sense, every politician is constantly striving to build credibility, prestige and influence by highlighting his or...
Three Values that Improve Every Relationship

Three Values that Improve Every Relationship

I’ve hired many people … and fired only a few. My best co-workers thrived because of three key character values. The disappointing ones struggled because they lacked the very same values. I’ve noticed an identical dynamic in friendships, marriages and ministries, all...
Anything That Humbles Me Is Good for Me

Anything That Humbles Me Is Good for Me

Last week I had the privilege of hiking in the Montana wilderness with Rankin Wilbourne, a dear friend and pastor from southern California. As we shared about the challenges, blessings and setbacks we’ve both experienced in our personal lives and ministries, Rankin...
Public Confession Is Counterintuitive

Public Confession Is Counterintuitive

Whenever we’ve done something wrong, our natural instinct is to conceal, deny or minimize our guilt. This dynamic began with Adam and Eve and is painfully evident in the current race for the White House. Sadly, it is also displayed in many churches, where both...