Habit Change Is a Team Project

Habit Change Is a Team Project

Habits exert enormous influence in our lives. For better or worse, they guide most of our daily activities, guiding us automatically through routine behaviors (like brushing our teeth), which frees our minds to focus on issues that require deliberate thinking (like,...
Idolatrous Habits

Idolatrous Habits

Many of our habits are spiritually neutral, such as the way we brush our teeth or the route we drive to work. Other life patterns clearly violate spiritual values, such as being addicted to drugs, alcohol or pornography, or reacting to correction with automatic anger...
Conquering M&M’s (and Premature Advice)

Conquering M&M’s (and Premature Advice)

My wife seemed to be testing my resolve. A month ago I decided that it was time to do battle with my love for candy. That meant not slipping into the pantry two or three times a day to raid the jar of M&M’s we keep for our grandson. I was doing great for three...
Seven Principles of Habit Change

Seven Principles of Habit Change

I was sitting on the patio of an expensive restaurant in Beirut. Six young Lebanese were sitting at the table next to us, glued to their smart phones. Not a word of conversation between them for minutes on end, a shared agreement that people elsewhere were more...
Always Bring the Gospel

Always Bring the Gospel

I’m ashamed to admit that I find it easier to bring the law to other people than I do the gospel. By “law” I mean all the “thou shalt” passages. You know, the ones we use to tell other people how they should live or how they’re falling short. Or better...