Relational Wisdom

Going beyond emotional intelligence™

What Is Relational Wisdom?

Relational wisdom (RW) is the ability to discern emotions, interests and abilities in yourself and others, to interpret this information in the light of your personal values, and to use these insights to manage your responses and relationships constructively.

Life Is All About Relationship!

“Building strong personal relationships, succeeding at work and supporting family are far more important to life satisfaction than material living standards.” Oren Cass, The Once and Future Worker

Six Relational Disciplines

Just as Windows and Mac OS control every program on your computer, relational wisdom has the potential to impact every aspect of life, not only improving workplace performance and advancement but also enhancing friendships, marriage and parenting.

RW includes six relational skills or disciplines: values-awareness and values-engagement, self-awareness and self-engagement, and other-awareness and other-engagement.

If we neglect these disciplines, our lives are often characterized by aimlessness, shallow relationships and conflict. But when we cultivate these disciplines, we are more likely to enjoy deep friendships, intimate and lasting marriages, joyful parenting and fulfilling careers.

Training materials are also available in a “faith-based” form for those who wish to integrate their relational skills with their religious convictions.

Versatile Principles

Relational wisdom is an “operating system for life” that is being used in businesses, schools and nonprofits around the world.

Meet Our Team

Ken Sande is the founder of Peacemaker Ministries and Relational Wisdom 360. Trained as an engineer, lawyer and mediator, Ken has conciliated hundreds of family, business, church and legal conflicts. He teaches globally and has written numerous resources on building relationships and resolving conflict, including The Peacemaker, which has sold over 500,000 copies in seventeen languages.

Going Beyond Emotional Intelligence

Relational wisdom is a values-based form of emotional intelligence that can transform all of your relationships.

Web Based Training

Innovative, convenient ways to improve relational skills and “get upstream of conflict”.

Study Anywhere

Study individually or with a group, using your computer, smartphone, tablet or a TV in your living room


Dynamic Learning

Teaching and demonstration videos, online quizzes and discussion questions

Set Your Own Pace

Work any time of the day or week at a pace that suits your schedule, with no pressure or deadlines

Skills for Real Life

Practical exercises help you apply enhanced relational skills in your home, nonprofit and workplace

Grow Together!

Host live professional development training for your business, school or nonprofit and see your entire team growing in relational wisdom

Host a Webinar, Seminar or Group Study

Our most popular live training formats are a 3-hour webinar and a 3-hour in-person seminar, both of which provide an introduction to the principles taught in our longer online course, Exploring Relational Wisdom 3.0.

This CEU-approved training includes interactive teaching, demonstration videos, small group discussions and practical applications, with each student receiving a full scholarship to the entire online course. Instructor training fees range from $750 to $4,900, depending upon the instructor and type of event. Per student costs range from $15 to $49.

This training is also available for group study via DVD, flash drive and web streaming for use in small groups. The eight lesson set includes teaching and demonstration videos, 10 study guides and summary pamphlets, and a Leader’s Guide.

Start Setting an Example Today!

As you grow in relational wisdom, you can change the climate of your home or workplace as you inspire others to pursue similar changes in their lives.

Action Steps

Three ways below to begin improving your relational skills today … starting with a free smartphone app with summaries of the key RW principles and dozens of helpful FAQs.

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