RW Blog

Defusing Explosive Meetings

Defusing Explosive Meetings

Have you ever been in a meeting that was about to explode? You could feel the tension building with each person’s comments and knew it was just a matter of time before the dynamite went off. It might have been a conversation with your spouse or teenager. Maybe it was...

Five Ways to Weave RW into Your Life

Five Ways to Weave RW into Your Life

One of the most popular features of our training program is that we summarize all of our key principles in simple acrostics that can be easily memorized and applied in every day life. Here is a report from a man on how these concepts helped him to respond...

8 More Principles of Relational Leadership

8 More Principles of Relational Leadership

In last week’s post, I described seven principles of relational wisdom that are illustrated in Congressman Steve Russell’s gripping book, We Got Him: A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein.  As I noted in that post, these principles of being...

7 Ways to Apply RW in Combat, Congress and the Church

7 Ways to Apply RW in Combat, Congress and the Church

What is the common link between commanding soldiers in combat, passing a bill in Congress and leading a church or ministry? Answer: Success in each of these venues is more likely when leaders live out the relational principles set forth in God’s Word. This common...

Teaching RW in Washington, D.C.

Teaching RW in Washington, D.C.

Our entire nation was stunned by yesterday’s shooting at a Congressional baseball practice. Rep. Steve Scalise was still in critical condition this morning, and three others are recovering from less severe injuries. Had it not been for the heroic intervention of two...

“The Talk”

“The Talk”

Shortly after I graduated from law school and moved back to Billings to work in Federal court, I received some life-changing advice from a man I’d never met before. Bob Hagstrom was a medical doctor who was recognized as one of the “spiritual elders” of the...

Barnabas: Portrait of a Peacemaker

Barnabas: Portrait of a Peacemaker

When Peacemaker Ministries launched its initial training on biblical conflict resolution, my dear friend and founding Board member Jim Soft contributed this study on the character of a peacemaker. May God grant all of us grace to develop these qualities! ~ Ken Sande...

Resurrecting Dead Relationships

Resurrecting Dead Relationships

A young couple headed for divorce because of adultery came into my office one day. They picked the perfect week … the week before Easter. To learn why this week has always been my favorite time to start divorce mediations ... and to discover a power that can restore...

Two Urgent Needs

Two Urgent Needs

One of my greatest joys is being able to serve people who have an urgent need and genuine desire to improve their relational skills, such as this desperate mother: I have been frustrated and angry for fourteen years with all the fighting that goes on with four...

A Peacemaker’s Prayer

A Peacemaker’s Prayer

  Years ago, Charles Spurgeon wrote, "A primary qualification for serving God with any amount of success, and for doing God’s work well and triumphantly, is a sense of our own weakness.” This insight led me to write a prayer that I’ve used again and again...

The Kindness Challenge

The Kindness Challenge

Last week I had the privilege of meeting Shaunti Feldhahn, a Harvard-trained Wall Street analyst who is devoting her research skills to developing best-selling books on success in the workplace, marriage, parenting and youth work. Her latest book is entitled The...

The Night the Roof Fell In

The Night the Roof Fell In

The world lost a great actress a few days ago. Mary Tyler Moore brought laughter to millions of people, especially in her role as Dick Van Dyke’s sweet-spirited wife, Laura. Initially relegated to simply kissing her husband hello at the door, she matured into a...

The Best Way to Rewrite History

The Best Way to Rewrite History

Jerry’s wife had filed for divorce. She was willing to mediate the legal issues but made it clear she had no interest in reconciliation. Ted had a similar problem with his church. Months of unresolved tensions had overflowed in a contentious elders meeting, with a...

Reconcile Before It’s Too Late

Reconcile Before It’s Too Late

The woman on the phone was crying so hard I could barely understand her. "You warned me," she said over and over. "But I didn't listen, and now it's too late." "To late for what?" I asked when she paused to take a breath. "When did I warn you? Why is it too late?"...

Ramping Up for 2017

Ramping Up for 2017

This has been an incredibly fruitful year for RW360! God opened the way for us to average four live seminars a month. Thanks to the support of friends like you, in July we launched the RW Academy, a cutting-edge interactive online training platform that has averaged...

Give the Gift of Relationship

Give the Gift of Relationship

The holiday season often presents two challenging questions: First, “What meaningful gift can I give to the special people in my life this Christmas?” Second, “Is there a way that our family can improve its ability to deal with the relational challenges of the...

Politics as Ministry

Politics as Ministry

The 2016 elections are finally over … and now the healing must begin. At the national level, we’ve already heard conciliatory statements from President Obama, Secretary Clinton and President-Elect Trump. Let us pray that their gracious words are matched by their...

One Relationship that Is Rarely Restored

One Relationship that Is Rarely Restored

I’ve seen hundreds of terribly damaged relationships restored over the years. Whether the break was caused by adultery, embezzlement, broken contracts, wrongful termination or even physical or sexual abuse, I’ve seen God bring about amazing reconciliations again...

Men Lay Down Emotional Cards One at a Time

Men Lay Down Emotional Cards One at a Time

Don't miss the special webinar invitation at the end of this blog! I ran into Jim while standing in line at Starbucks. We’d known each other for years, so it was only natural to ask, “How are you today?” I normally hear an upbeat, “I’m OK,” when I ask this...

I Was an Embarrassment to My Friends

I Was an Embarrassment to My Friends

C.S. Lewis and I have something in common: there was a time when each of us became an embarrassment to our friends. Lewis endured this uncomfortable experience after his wife, Joy, died. Here is what he wrote in A Grief Observed: “An odd by-product of my loss is...

100 Scholarships & 30 Custom Courses

100 Scholarships & 30 Custom Courses

I need your help giving away 100 full scholarships to our new online course. I would also appreciate your input as we develop 30 new Life Application Modules. Here’s the deal … 100 Full Scholarships If you know a church or ministry leader who is likely to be...

Gotta Love (and Help) Millennials

Gotta Love (and Help) Millennials

One of the catchiest videos I’ve ever seen is entitled, “Gotta Love Millennials.” Sung to the old Beatles tune, Obladi-Oblada, its opening stanza provides a humorous picture of a stereotypical Millennial: There he sits inside your local coffee shop Sporting a...

How to Lose an Airline Seat … and Win a Friend at the IRS

How to Lose an Airline Seat … and Win a Friend at the IRS

It’s never smart to offend someone who has discretionary authority over your life. Such as the ticket agent I watched as she juggled an overbooked flight. She was waiting for two couples who had confirmed seats but had not yet appeared at the gate. I was on standby...

31 Marks of a Relational Leader

31 Marks of a Relational Leader

Last May I had the privilege of delivering a plenary address to 700 Christian leaders from throughout Europe. The video of this address was just released on the web by the Forum of Christian Leaders, along with an outline detailing the 31 marks of a relational leader....

Anything That Humbles Me Is Good for Me

Anything That Humbles Me Is Good for Me

Last week I had the privilege of hiking in the Montana wilderness with Rankin Wilbourne, a dear friend and pastor from southern California. As we shared about the challenges, blessings and setbacks we’ve both experienced in our personal lives and ministries, Rankin...

Public Confession Is Counterintuitive

Public Confession Is Counterintuitive

Whenever we’ve done something wrong, our natural instinct is to conceal, deny or minimize our guilt. This dynamic began with Adam and Eve and is painfully evident in the current race for the White House. Sadly, it is also displayed in many churches, where both...

A Biker with Amazing Relational Skills

A Biker with Amazing Relational Skills

Mom’s Night Out (not to be confused with Bad Moms) provides some superb examples of relational wisdom … especially by a big, tattooed biker. The movie involves three mothers who decide they need a night away from their kids. In order to enjoy high heels, adult...