Three Ways to Multiply Kindness

Three Ways to Multiply Kindness

This true story from an airline pilot about a fallen soldier’s journey home illustrates a the importance of always being alert to opportunities to show kindness to other people. Here is what the pilot wrote. My lead flight attendant came to me and said,...
Public Confession Is Counterintuitive

Public Confession Is Counterintuitive

Whenever we’ve done something wrong, our natural instinct is to conceal, deny or minimize our guilt. This dynamic began with Adam and Eve and is painfully evident in the current race for the White House. Sadly, it is also displayed in many churches, where both...
A New Generation of RW Training

A New Generation of RW Training

By God’s grace, a new generation of training in relational wisdom launched this morning. This interactive online course addresses the theology, benefits, and practical applications of relational wisdom. Using a cutting-edge learning management system, it is...
A New Generation of RW Training

Six Days to Launch

With just six days to go before we launch our new online course, Discovering Relational Wisdom 2.0, God gave us a special gift this week. Feedback from two people who have been using our beta version confirmed that we’ve succeeded in our goal to make the material...
Pastors’ Wives Can Burn Out Too

Pastors’ Wives Can Burn Out Too

I received a lot of positive feedback on last week’s post about a pastor who admitted his need for physical rest, spiritual renewal and relational retooling. One of the most insightful responses came from a different pastor’s wife, who described how both...