Six Days to Launch

DRW 2.0 (250x250)With just six days to go before we launch our new online course, Discovering Relational Wisdom 2.0, God gave us a special gift this week.

Feedback from two people who have been using our beta version confirmed that we’ve succeeded in our goal to make the material theologically rigorous enough to use in seminary and yet simple enough for a ten-year-old to learn and apply:

“RW360’s training is outstanding and provides an invaluable resource that seminaries can use to equip young pastors with the interpersonal skills they need to love and shepherd their people.” Dr. James Coffield, Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary, Orlando

“Two things really help me with my siblings. The SOG plan is easy to remember and reminds me to be Self-aware, Other-aware and God-aware. The Seven A’s of Confession help me to admit I’m wrong when I’m in conflict.” Elizabeth, age 10

With this encouraging “wind under our wings,” we’ve finally cleared all of the technology hurdles and are uploading and testing the last elements of the course. Here are just a few of its features.

  • It will be available for individual or group study, with the option of interacting with a few close friends or with students from around the world.
  • It will be delivered through a cutting-edge learning management system.
  • This system makes full use of adult learning methodology, including videos, private quizzes, interactive discussions, Bible study, reading and practical life applications.
  • It can be accessed by computer, tablet or smartphone … yes, you can complete the entire course on your iPhone or Android!
  • It can be studied by a wide variety of groups, including: friends or couples who enjoy studying together, elder and deacon boards, management staff, business and ministry teams, seminary classes, high school youth groups, college fellowships, missionary teams, and even parents and children studying as a family.
  • We will be offering the course at a 30% discount until August 5.

Please keep us in your prayers as we fine tune the course and ask a few close friends to drive it around the block over the next few days.

And also be thinking about who you might ask to join you in a group study so that you can learn and grow together.

– Ken Sande

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

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