Really Nice Pants

Really Nice Pants

In today’s movie clip, Will Smith demonstrates the enormous benefit relational wisdom (RW) can have in the workplace. The clip comes from the movie Pursuit of Happiness. It is based on the true story of Chris Gardner. In the weeks leading up to this scene, he ran out...
Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills in Europe

Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills in Europe

Paul is the pastor of a church and a professor at a seminary in Central Europe … yet he is struggling to forgive a former elder who turned on him three years ago (all names are changed). Anna works with refugee teenagers who pass through her country on the way to...
Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills at BSF

Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills at BSF

Last week Corlette and I had the privilege of spending three days teaching relational wisdom to some of the most committed and effective Bible teachers in the world. Bible Study Fellowship’s global network of classes reaches over 300,000 people every week with...
A Disastrous Employee

A Disastrous Employee

Ben was one of the most gifted and yet deeply flawed executives I’ve ever encountered. When I was asked to mediate tensions within the leadership team of his organization, it became evident that every person on the team was contributing to the problem to some...
Really Nice Pants

Really Nice Pants

In today’s movie clip, Will Smith demonstrates the enormous benefit relational wisdom (RW) can have in the workplace. The clip comes from the movie Pursuit of Happiness. It is based on the true story of Chris Gardner. In the weeks leading up to this scene, he ran out...