Ready for an RW Quiz?

Ready for an RW Quiz?

Today you can test your relational wisdom. All you have to do is watch a three minute video clip and answer three questions. You can keep your answers to yourself, or you can email them to me for a chance to win a $150 scholarship for training as an Approved RW...
Serving During Surgery

Serving During Surgery

Not long ago, I was once again was well-served by an outstanding medical team. Over a dozen people at the Billings Clinic pooled their training and talents to repair a small hernia in my abdomen. From beginning to end, they cared for me with the utmost in professional...
RW Acrostics in Action

RW Acrostics in Action

When emotions rise, rational thinking usually plummets. This is why I summarized the key principles in my book, The Peacemaker, as simple acrostics, such as the Seven A’s of Confession and the Four Promises of Forgiveness, which people can recall and apply even when...
The Power of Words

The Power of Words

Do you want to learn how to connect with people? Really connect? To touch others heart-to-heart, life-to-life? To convince them you understand and care about them? To move them toward actions that are right and good and pleasing to God? Then learn how to connect with...
Serving a Barista

Serving a Barista

She was working the early shift at a small Starbucks counter in Dulles Airport. The young barista had probably been up since 4 or 5 a.m., and she already looked worn out. After placing my order with the cashier I stood by the counter while the barista finished the...