8 More Principles of Relational Leadership

8 More Principles of Relational Leadership

In last week’s post, I described seven principles of relational wisdom that are illustrated in Congressman Steve Russell’s gripping book, We Got Him: A Memoir of the Hunt and Capture of Saddam Hussein.  As I noted in that post, these principles of being...
Teaching RW in Washington, D.C.

Teaching RW in Washington, D.C.

Our entire nation was stunned by yesterday’s shooting at a Congressional baseball practice. Rep. Steve Scalise was still in critical condition this morning, and three others are recovering from less severe injuries. Had it not been for the heroic intervention of two...
Politics as Ministry

Politics as Ministry

The 2016 elections are finally over … and now the healing must begin. At the national level, we’ve already heard conciliatory statements from President Obama, Secretary Clinton and President-Elect Trump. Let us pray that their gracious words are matched by their...
Lincoln’s Relational Wisdom

Lincoln’s Relational Wisdom

The 2015/16 primary and presidential debates highlighted the close connection between politics, pride and emotion. In an outward sense, each of the many candidates was striving to build credibility, prestige and support by highlighting his or her abilities and...