Resurrecting Dead Relationships

Resurrecting Dead Relationships

A young couple headed for divorce because of adultery came into my office one day. They picked the perfect week … the week before Easter. To learn why this week has always been my favorite time to start divorce mediations … and to discover a power that can...
Reconcile Before It’s Too Late

Reconcile Before It’s Too Late

The woman on the phone was crying so hard I could barely understand her. “You warned me,” she said over and over. “But I didn’t listen, and now it’s too late.” “To late for what?” I asked when she paused to take a...
Never Give Up

Never Give Up

One of the greatest heartbreaks a parent can experience is to be estranged from an adult child … which usually means losing contact with beloved grandchildren as well. That’s what happened to Karen when she offended her daughter, Debra, with a few careless words...
Papa, Clean Me!

Papa, Clean Me!

When he was two-and-half-years-old, my grandson, Andrew, came across a fresh pile of dog poo in the yard. Having been told repeatedly to stay away from dog piles, he of course felt an irresistible desire to step on it and squish it around. Not liking the odor, he...
Forgive Like Edison, or Better Yet, Jesus

Forgive Like Edison, or Better Yet, Jesus

Thomas Edison never claimed to be a Christian, but he did a better job of demonstrating forgiveness than many believers do. When Edison and his staff were developing the incandescent light bulb, it took twenty-four hours to manufacture a single bulb. One day he handed...