RW Blog

A Two Week Sprint

A Two Week Sprint

I love to run. Primarily because it takes me away from electronic distractions and gives me time alone with God. Running also triggers the release of endorphins in my body. They often combine with the joy of worship to produce an exhilaration that triggers a burst of...

A Common Lust

A Common Lust

I share a lust with St. Augustine. Although he was a pillar of the church, he regularly prayed, “O Lord, deliver me from this lust of always vindicating myself.” We inherited this lust from our original parents, who invented the art of excusing sin by blaming...

Don’t Slap Mom

Don’t Slap Mom

Many adult children are slapping their elderly parents these days. Not with their hands; with their words. When mom asks a question the first time, they may respond graciously. But when she asks the same question again and again, they often respond with words like...

Preparing for the End

Preparing for the End

Every relationship ends in pain. Whether it’s with a pet, a friend, or a family member. If the relationship was wonderful, we feel a great loss. If it was terrible, we’re filled with regret. There is no way to eliminate this pain … but there are ways to reduce...

Relationships Thrive on EGGs

Relationships Thrive on EGGs

One of the best ways to improve your relationships is to develop the habit of drawing attention to EGGs. Not the ones you cook, but the innumerable Evidences of God’s Grace that he lavishes on you and those around you ... and calls you to recount to others. As David...

A Sickness Not Unto Death

A Sickness Not Unto Death

As many of you know, I was diagnosed with cancer in June and had my thyroid surgically removed. Two weeks ago I swallowed a tablet of radioactive iodine to kill any remaining thyroid cells. Late last week I had a full body scan to see if there were any other...

Save 40% and then Smile

Save 40% and then Smile

There are three things I’d like to do to put a smile on your face this week. First, I’d like to offer you a 40% discount on our online seminar, Discovering Relational Wisdom. The concepts presented in this seminar have been taught to over 20,000 people in the past...

Two Things You’re Not Designed For

Two Things You’re Not Designed For

There are two things you and I were never designed to experience: death and rejection. That is why they both feel so foreign and hurt so much: they are utterly contrary to what we were made for. When God created the world, everything in it was “very good” (Gen....

Always Bring the Gospel

Always Bring the Gospel

I’m ashamed to admit that I find it easier to bring the law to other people than I do the gospel. By “law” I mean all the “thou shalt” passages. You know, the ones we use to tell other people how they should live or how they’re falling short. Or better...

Peacemaking and The Good Wife

Peacemaking and The Good Wife

Nine million people will soon be introduced to biblical peacemaking through an hour-long television show called The Good Wife. The Good Wife is a prime time CBS legal and political drama. Its central character is a woman named Alicia Florrick (played by Julianna...

Approachability: The Passport to Real Ministry and Leadership

Craig was well-equipped for teaching God’s Word. He was committed to Christ, thoroughly educated, solid in his doctrine, well read, loved to study Scripture, and could preach outstanding sermons Sunday after Sunday. He also saw himself as a gifted pastor. He loved...

Cancer Is All About Relationship

Cancer Is All About Relationship

I recently learned that I have stage IV cancer. A month ago a surgeon removed my thyroid and over forty lymph nodes. Radiation treatment should begin in a few days. Then a week of isolation until the radioactive iodine leaves my system. Then the waiting begins ... Not...

Where Sorrow Begins

Where Sorrow Begins

C. H. Spurgeon wrote, “Where self begins, sorrow begins.” That’s a diagnosis that explains most of my unhappy moments. Angry? Usually because I am not getting what I want. Resentful? Someone didn’t treat me the way I think they should. Self-pity? People just...

Gospel Promise List

As of August 8, 2014 (please send suggested additions to “God has given you a priceless gift: eternal life through Jesus Christ” (Rom. 6:23). “The Lord set his love on you before he even created the world … so it obviously has nothing to do...

Three Examples of Empathy

Three Examples of Empathy

(Note: this blog post has been combined with a previous post in this article, which I recommend you read instead.) Would you like to deepen your capacity for empathy? Then watch these three short video clips and ask God to help you imitate what you see. As you watch...

Seven Steps to Empathy

Seven Steps to Empathy

(Note: this blog post has been combined with the next post in this article, which I recommend you read instead.) Without empathy, it’s hard to have real relationship. The good news is that since each of us is made in the image of God, we have a natural capacity for...

The Who, Why and How of Empathy

The Who, Why and How of Empathy

“What is the biblical model, motive, and method for empathy and compassion?” That’s the question I asked last week as we began our study of these two relational qualities. This week I’m going to let you to answer these questions for yourself. Before doing so,...

The Empathy of a Dog

The Empathy of a Dog

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Answers to the Quiz

Answers to the Quiz

Last week I posted an RW Quiz based on a short video clip about a woman in Thailand who was dying of cancer. I was impressed by the many insightful answers I received. The only problem was that I had a difficult time selecting the best answers … there were so many...

Ready for an RW Quiz?

Ready for an RW Quiz?

Today you can test your relational wisdom. All you have to do is watch a three minute video clip and answer three questions. You can keep your answers to yourself, or you can email them to me for a chance to win a $150 scholarship for training as an Approved RW...



Peter, James, and John were hijacked. So was Paul. The same was true of Abraham, Sarah, Isaac, and Rachel … even David, the man after God’s own heart. Chances are that you’ve been hijacked too. Probably within the last week. It has nothing to do with being on an...

Look Up

Look Up

“I have four hundred and twenty-two friends, yet I’m lonely.” So starts a video clip that’s been viewed six million times in just one week—and stirred up some intense disagreement along the way. This clip has a lot to say about relationships … or the lack...

Seven Facts About Emotions

Seven Facts About Emotions

  Emotions drive most of what goes on in this world. Whether it’s the desire of a man to win the heart of a special young lady, the sacrificial love of a parent for a child, the bitterness that corrodes a friendship, or the anger that fragments a family or...

Face to Face and No Excuses

Face to Face and No Excuses

Someone on my team had blown it. Not ethically or morally. He had simply taken too long to complete some significant tasks, which put one of our clients in an awkward position in a mediation case. Our staff member's attempts to apologize to the client seemed to fall...

Learn RW Online

Learn RW Online

We are pleased to announce that both the Discovering Relational Wisdom Seminar video series and the RW Personal Study Course are now available online. These seven video presentations provide an introduction to the foundational principles of relational wisdom. When...

Discovering RW Seminar

Part 5 - Relational Peacemaking Clip 12 Happy Days: "I Was Wrong" Next Video: Improving Relational Wisdom    Clip 13 Fireproof: "Why Are You Doing This?"

Discovering RW Seminar

Part 4a - Applying Relational Wisdom Clip 7 - Awareness Test Clip 8 - Pursuit of Happyness: "I'm Going Pro" Next Video: Applying Relational Wisdom (b)      Clip 9 Sleepless in Seattle: "That's a Chick Flick" Clip 10 Cinderella Man: "We Don't Steal" Clip 11...