by Ken Sande | May 14, 2015 | VB RW Blog
Rich, a dear friend of mine, had a horrible conflict with his neighbor, Cynthia. A property line dispute that began with debates in the back yard had evolved into heated arguments. Eventually Cynthia filed a lawsuit. As an attorney and certified conciliator, Rich felt...
by Ken Sande | Mar 22, 2015 | VB RW Blog
When was the last time you did something that was so amazingly kind that others will remember your actions the rest of their lives? If it’s been awhile, I encourage you to take two minutes to watch a video clip of some young men who refused to play basketball against...
by Ken Sande | Feb 8, 2015 | VB RW Blog
Fear usually triggers one of three reactions: control, anger or withdrawal (the latter two actually being forms of the first). This is a key insight for improving both your self-awareness and your other-awareness: whenever you encounter control, anger, or withdrawal,...
by Ken Sande | Dec 7, 2014 | VB RW Blog
Before I became a lawyer, I worked as an engineer on a team that designed hemodialysis machines. While talking with patients going through dialysis, I learned how hard it is to live without a kidney. Therefore, when I heard about a taxi driver who gave his kidney to a...
by Ken Sande | Jul 6, 2014 | VB RW Blog
My daughter was sitting on the floor in my study crying softly. Megan had been sharing a sad story with me, and her emotions overflowed in tears. Her two-year-old son, Andrew, was playing in his room nearby. When he heard his mother crying, he pulled some tissues from... by Ken Sande | Jul 4, 2014 | VB RW Blog
Without empathy, it’s hard to have real relationship. The good news is that since each of us has a natural capacity for developing and exercising empathy. Are you practicing this marvelous gift in your life? If not, here is an acrostic that can help you become a more...