Resurrecting Dead Relationships

Resurrecting Dead Relationships

A young couple headed for divorce because of adultery came into my office one day. They picked the perfect week … the week before Easter. To learn why this week has always been my favorite time to start divorce mediations … and to discover a power that can...
Two Urgent Needs

Two Urgent Needs

One of my greatest joys is being able to serve people who have an urgent need and genuine desire to improve their relational skills, such as this desperate mother: I have been frustrated and angry for fourteen years with all the fighting that goes on with four...
A Peacemaker’s Prayer

A Peacemaker’s Prayer

  Years ago, Charles Spurgeon wrote, “A primary qualification for serving God with any amount of success, and for doing God’s work well and triumphantly, is a sense of our own weakness.” This insight led me to write a prayer that I’ve used again and...
The Kindness Challenge

The Kindness Challenge

Last week I had the privilege of meeting Shaunti Feldhahn, a Harvard-trained Wall Street analyst who is devoting her research skills to developing best-selling books on success in the workplace, marriage, parenting and youth work. Her latest book is entitled The...
The Night the Roof Fell In

The Night the Roof Fell In

The world lost a great actress a few days ago. Mary Tyler Moore brought laughter to millions of people, especially in her role as Dick Van Dyke’s sweet-spirited wife, Laura. Initially relegated to simply kissing her husband hello at the door, she matured into a...
The Best Way to Rewrite History

The Best Way to Rewrite History

Jerry’s wife had filed for divorce. She was willing to mediate the legal issues but made it clear she had no interest in reconciliation. Ted had a similar problem with his church. Months of unresolved tensions had overflowed in a contentious elders meeting, with a...