by Ken Sande | Jul 12, 2015 | Home Page, RW Blog
After four weeks of nonstop travel last month, I was running out of energy. As a result I was unusually apathetic as I walked into the conference center for one of my recent presentations. Not a good attitude for teaching relational wisdom. So I began to pray.... by Ken Sande | May 3, 2015 | RW Blog, RW Movie Blog
Next Sunday is Mother’s Day. If you’re tired of doing the same “card and gift†routine, allow me to suggest something that your mother will remember the rest of her life. Since she devoted much of her life to serving you, I encourage you to make a special... by Ken Sande | Feb 23, 2015 | RW Blog, RW Movie Blog
If you’d like to see some vivid examples of relational wisdom, be sure to see Disney’s latest release, McFarland, U.S.A. The movie is based on the true story of a 1987 cross country team from a predominantly Mexican-American high school in McFarland, California.... by Ken Sande | Jul 20, 2014 | RW Blog
I recently learned that I have stage IV cancer. A month ago a surgeon removed my thyroid and over forty lymph nodes. Radiation treatment should begin in a few days. Then a week of isolation until the radioactive iodine leaves my system. Then the waiting begins …... by Ken Sande | Jun 1, 2014 | RW Blog, RW Movie Blog
Last week I posted an RW Quiz based on a short video clip about a woman in Thailand who was dying of cancer. I was impressed by the many insightful answers I received. The only problem was that I had a difficult time selecting the best answers … there were so many...