We Need Your Help with Three Major Projects

We Need Your Help with Three Major Projects

Do you know what excites Corlette and me most about relational wisdom? Its potential for leading others to Christ. Jesus taught that when our relationships reflect authentic love and unity, the world can see that He is real and that He delights to save us and utterly...
Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills at BSF

Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills at BSF

Last week Corlette and I had the privilege of spending three days teaching relational wisdom to some of the most committed and effective Bible teachers in the world. Bible Study Fellowship’s global network of classes reaches over 300,000 people every week with...
A Two Week Sprint

A Two Week Sprint

I love to run. Primarily because it takes me away from electronic distractions and gives me time alone with God. Running also triggers the release of endorphins in my body. They often combine with the joy of worship to produce an exhilaration that triggers a burst of...
A Sickness Not Unto Death

A Sickness Not Unto Death

As many of you know, I was diagnosed with cancer in June and had my thyroid surgically removed. Two weeks ago I swallowed a tablet of radioactive iodine to kill any remaining thyroid cells. Late last week I had a full body scan to see if there were any other...