Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills in Europe

Blending Hard Skills and Soft Skills in Europe

Paul is the pastor of a church and a professor at a seminary in Central Europe … yet he is struggling to forgive a former elder who turned on him three years ago (all names are changed). Anna works with refugee teenagers who pass through her country on the way to...
Going Global

Going Global

Relational turmoil is undermining the witness of Christians all around the world. Family strife and divorce, church splits, workplace conflict, lawsuits between Christians, and clashes with neighbors of other faiths weaken our credibility and slow the advance of...
Use Noah’s GPS

Use Noah’s GPS

Noah beat Garmin to the punch. Abraham got the jump on TomTom. And Moses was way ahead of Magellan. What on earth am I talking about? Navigation systems. If it’s in your car or on your phone, you know it as a GPS (Global Positioning System). It’s probably made by...
RW Acrostics in Action

RW Acrostics in Action

When emotions rise, rational thinking usually plummets. This is why I summarized the key principles in my book, The Peacemaker, as simple acrostics, such as the Seven A’s of Confession and the Four Promises of Forgiveness, which people can recall and apply even when...