Convene Summit 2015 – Next Steps

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To Learn More About Relational Wisdom

Action Steps

The guiding principle for our training is: “To learn, read; to understand, write; to master, teach.”

Personal and Family

  • Subscribe to the weekly RW Blog
  • Develop your own relational skills through 101 Seminar Videos and 102 Personal Study Course
  • Grow as a couple and as a family: my wife and I did the seven week 101/102 Study with our two children (21 and 23), with each of us doing the daily devotions on our own and then meeting together for an hour on Sunday to share our journaling; it was the richest spiritual time we’ve every had as a family.

Convene Group


  • Develop your personal ability to model RW in you business through the 102 Personal Study Course or 201 Advanced Training
  • Develop an in-house capacity for teaching and facilitating RW in your company by having your HR manager and/or other gifted managers go through 201 Advanced Training
  • Offer company-wide training, giving employees the option of choosing either biblical or values-based format. Training can be provided by your own Approved Presenters, a Certified Instructor provided by RW360, or through online video courses.


Email to arrange a consultation on how to serve your particular company

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