Your Legacy

Your Legacy

What is the greatest legacy you could pass on to your children? Money? Property? Investments? Family name? Social or business connections? Nope. None of these items is guaranteed to bless your children. In fact, all of them could become a snare or a stumbling block if...
The Golden Result

The Golden Result

We all know the Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” But do you know the Golden Result? It’s a direct corollary to the Golden Rule: “Other people will usually treat you the way you treat them.” Not always, but usually. Because...
Confession Killers

Confession Killers

If you want to make a confession utterly worthless, use one of these three phrases. “I’m sorry if I’ve done something to upset you.” When you use these words, what people hear is, “I don’t know that I’ve done anything wrong, but since you’re obviously...
The Last Human Freedom

The Last Human Freedom

“The last of the human freedoms is to choose one’s attitude.” So wrote Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist who survived the Holocaust, living through the deprivation and horrors of both Auschwitz and Dachau. Consider the background for his...
RW in the Movies

RW in the Movies

This Thursday I’m launching a new companion blog that will use short clips from popular movies to teach relational wisdom. As a prelude to the first post, I’d like to describe the classic formula for great stories and explain how we can learn life-changing...
The SOG Plan

The SOG Plan

Do you know an impulsive teenager? A frustrated wife? A detached husband? A resentful employee? A relationally clumsy pastor? If so, read on. Six years ago I developed a relational tool called “the SOG plan” as an alternative to selling my teenage daughter. When...