“The Talk”

“The Talk”

Shortly after I graduated from law school and moved back to Billings to work in Federal court, I received some life-changing advice from a man I’d never met before. Bob Hagstrom was a medical doctor who was recognized as one of the “spiritual elders” of the...
Barnabas: Portrait of a Peacemaker

Barnabas: Portrait of a Peacemaker

When Peacemaker Ministries launched its initial training on biblical conflict resolution, my dear friend and founding Board member Jim Soft contributed this study on the character of a peacemaker. May God grant all of us grace to develop these qualities! ~ Ken Sande...
Resurrecting Dead Relationships

Resurrecting Dead Relationships

A young couple headed for divorce because of adultery came into my office one day. They picked the perfect week … the week before Easter. To learn why this week has always been my favorite time to start divorce mediations … and to discover a power that can...
Two Urgent Needs

Two Urgent Needs

One of my greatest joys is being able to serve people who have an urgent need and genuine desire to improve their relational skills, such as this desperate mother: I have been frustrated and angry for fourteen years with all the fighting that goes on with four...