Spreading RW

Would you like to improve your relational skills?

Better yet, would you like the people around you to join with you in developing relational wisdom?

Successful Business People Showing Thumbs Up.If so, you can be the trigger for such growth. How?

Host a Seminar

First, you could host a Discovering Relational Wisdom Seminar in your church, business, or ministry.

This seminar is a live, one-day event designed to provide an introduction to relational wisdom. It is highly interactive, involving teaching, viewing and analysis of numerous video clips, group discussions, and application exercises.

Students leave with a detailed Study Guide and a Personal RW Action Plan that includes practical homework and ongoing exercises that will encourage them to continue learning and applying relational wisdom in their daily lives.

If you would like to learn more about the content of the seminar, please review our sample Seminar Study Guide and Movie Blog posts, which illustrate how we use movie clips to teach key relational principles.

If you would like to learn how to host a seminar, please visit the RW Seminar page on our website.

Become an RW Instructor

The second way you could help others to learn relational wisdom is by becoming a Certified RW Instructor yourself.

Individuals who complete this training are licensed to present our material in churches, businesses, ministries, schools, and other settings. Presentation formats can range from brief summaries to Sunday school classes, Bible studies, executive or staff retreats, and full day seminars.

Our next training course will be conducted in Billings, Montana, on September 13 and 14. On the first day of the course, I will teach the complete Discovering Relational Wisdom seminar. On day two of the course, we will discuss a variety of issues, including teaching techniques, aspects of emotional intelligence (EI), related theological issues, and practical applications of RW.

To learn more about this course, please see our RW Instructor Certification Guidelines.

There is no better way to learn a subject than to teach it to others. So please consider joining our growing network of instructors as we teach, learn, and grow in relational wisdom … together.

– Ken Sande

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

© 2013 Ken Sande

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RW Blog

Three Values that Improve Every Relationship

I’ve hired many people … and fired only a few. My best co-workers thrived because of three key character qualities. The disappointing ones struggled because they lacked the very same qualities. I’ve noticed an identical dynamic in friendships, marriages and...


Today’s movie clip is one of my favorites. It illustrates several key relational skills, including empathy, self-control, and the use of perceptive questions rather than forceful arguments. The clip is taken from the movie, Spanglish. Its central character, Flor, is a...

The Golden Result

We all know the Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” But do you know the Golden Result? “Other people will usually treat you the way you treat them.” Not always, but usually. Because that’s how our brains are wired. Here is a short movie clip...