500,000 and Counting!

Just before Christmas, I learned that over 500,000 copies of The Peacemaker are now in circulation in seventeen different languages.

I also discovered that we are now seeing 400 unique visitors to our website every day, usually to read our weekly blog on relational wisdom and biblical peacemaking.

God is graciously using these resources, along with our other books, live seminars and online training to equip people around the world to build relationships and resolve conflicts in a way that displays the transforming power of the gospel.

Your prayers and financial support play a vital role in our ministry, especially as we move into new areas of service, such our upcoming commitment to train 850 members of the Lausanne Young Leaders Program and 150 military chaplains at one of our nation’s largest military bases (details here).

So I ask for your help. Would you please make a generous gift this week or a monthly pledge for 2018?

Your support will enable us to continue developing and distributing resources that enable Christians around the world to live out the marvelous command and promise that Jesus gave in John 13:34-35:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”

Thank you for your generous support, and may God grant you a highly relational 2018!

– Ken Sande

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RW Blog

Three Values that Improve Every Relationship

I’ve hired many people … and fired only a few. My best co-workers thrived because of three key character qualities. The disappointing ones struggled because they lacked the very same qualities. I’ve noticed an identical dynamic in friendships, marriages and...


Today’s movie clip is one of my favorites. It illustrates several key relational skills, including empathy, self-control, and the use of perceptive questions rather than forceful arguments. The clip is taken from the movie, Spanglish. Its central character, Flor, is a...

The Golden Result

We all know the Golden Rule: “Do to others as you would have them do to you.” But do you know the Golden Result? “Other people will usually treat you the way you treat them.” Not always, but usually. Because that’s how our brains are wired. Here is a short movie clip...