Two Acts of Kindness

Network news bombards us daily with so many reports of immorality, corruption, and violence that it’s easy to become discouraged about the condition and direction of our world.

But I’m convinced that for every negative report the networks broadcast, there are thousands of acts of kindness quietly occurring elsewhere in the world … some of which occasionally find mention on a news program, as you’ll see below.

All of these acts are the result of God’s grace, which he pours out in various ways and degrees on all people, whether they believe in him or deny his existence (see Common Grace RW).

Here are two simple stories that reflect the kindness of God. I hope they inspire you as they did me, both to praise God for his lavish grace and to be on the lookout for similar opportunities to encourage and serve others during this holiday season.

– Ken Sande

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kindness 3

My Christmas Wish

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Two Young Heroes

Reflection Questions:

  • What did you find to be most encouraging about these stories? What character qualities in these people would you like others to see in you during the coming year?
  • Take a few minutes to read this brief description of God’s common grace. Why should this often neglected concept give us hope for our world?
  • Share an example of a time when you observed someone who did not profess to be a Christian do something kind and helpful to others. Why should such incidents lead us to praise and worship God?
  • Review the SERVE principle. And then be on the lookout for opportunities to encourage and serve others in the days ahead.

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

© 2013 Ken Sande

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