Ramping Up for 2017

IMG_6103f - Square (200x200)This has been an incredibly fruitful year for RW360!

God opened the way for us to average four live seminars a month. Thanks to the support of friends like you, in July we launched the RW Academy, a cutting-edge interactive online training platform that has averaged 150 new students a month.

We also provided coaching and mediation to dozens of families, ministries and businesses that asked for help to put relational wisdom into practice. Here are three examples of the feedback we’ve received.

“I was fired from my job last week, which opened my eyes to how much I need this training. Since my work product was not the issue, I realize I broke some serious relational rules. I want to change so I don’t make these mistakes again.”

“Your teaching helped me realize how I’ve made my business an idol and hurt my employees. During a staff meeting this morning, the Lord moved me to admit how I had mistreated our barista and wanted to make restitution to her. It was humbling, but I’m glad it showed how Jesus is working in my life.”

“As a pastor I’ve been oblivious to how my words and gestures communicate disappointment in others and deeply wound them. As an elder said to me, ‘It’s why you’re my favorite preacher. A word from you goes straight to my heart. That’s why even the smallest critical word can hurt so much.’ I grieve over my relational failures but have hope that the Lord is working to change me!”

We thank God for the thousands of people he allowed us to serve this year, but there are so many more we want to reach! Will you please help us? Here are a few of the areas where your gift this month can help us to go wider and deeper.

Churches – Our primary focus is always the local church, God’s “Plan A” for building his kingdom. Scores of churches have now hosted our training, which has created opportunities for us to partner with entire denominations in 2017.

Prisons – A prison ministry in Alabama has invited us to develop custom RW training to include in their two-year program to equip inmates to serve the Lord while incarcerated. Hundreds of prison and jail ministries could use this training.

Seminaries – Two seminaries have now included RW training in their Master’s Programs. We’d like to offer every seminary in the country the resources they need to prepare every student for the relational challenges of pastoral ministry.

Missions – When missionaries leave the field prematurely, it’s almost always due to conflict. That’s why three sending agencies are test-driving our online course as a potential tool for teaching missionaries better relational skills.

Crisis Pregnancy Centers – When a young woman walks into a crisis pregnancy center, she is usually facing multiple relational crises. Our initial training in this area has been enthusiastically received … you can help us spread it further.

Businesses – Christian business owners have been some of our most enthusiastic clients. They are eager to bring biblical principles into their organizations in respectful ways, especially when doing so provides an opportunity to talk about the Source of those principles. The upcoming “values-based” version of our basic online course will make it even easier to bring RW into secular settings, including military bases and police departments.

Public Schools – We’ve been invited to develop a custom RW curriculum for a public high school. Although the course will be presented in secular language, it will include opportunities to talk about the role of personal values (such as faith) in relationships, which will give Christian students opportunities to share their faith in Christ. If this is well received, we’d love to promote it nation-wide.

International – Our online training is now being used in forty-three countries outside the U.S. and is spreading like ripples in a pond. For example, thirty college students in Romania are currently using our material to teach relational skills to over 1,000 Roma (Gypsy) children. In a couple of weeks, we will offer our online course at a steep discount to 10,000 ministry leaders throughout Europe … more “living stones” to create even more ripples!

This is just a sample of the opportunities God has placed before us. Until we expand our revenue and staff, however, we will have to prayerfully prioritize where to focus our efforts.

This is where your generous giving comes in.

Our goal is to raise $275,000 before the end of the year, which would allow us to move ahead on the projects described above.

If you can make a gift of $5,000, $10,000, $25,000 or more, you will help us to know that we have the resources on hand to commit to these projects.

If you can make a monthly pledge of $10, $25, $100 or more, you will help to cover the monthly expenses that allow us to maintain our focus and momentum.

Our ministry is passionately committed to enhancing the witness of the global church by equipping Christians to better live out the two Great Commandments, which are purely relational: to love God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves.

If you’ve benefited from our weekly blog or training resources and want to see others benefit as well, please support us in this vital ministry through your regular prayers and generous giving today!

Warmly in Christ,

Ken and Corlette

PS – A stock donation can be financially smart for you and increase your kingdom impact. Giving appreciated stock may allow you to avoid capital gains taxes while claiming the deduction at fair market value. This allows you to steward your resources carefully while investing in our mission generously.

PSS – Our online donation system is not limited to money. It also allows you to donate vehicles, electronic devices, and gifts cards. Please see this page for details.

All Gifts Are Tax-Deductible

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RW Blog

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