A New Generation of RW Training

DRW 2.0 (200x200)By God’s grace, a new generation of training in relational wisdom launched this morning.

This interactive online course addresses the theology, benefits, and practical applications of relational wisdom. Using a cutting-edge learning management system, it is available for individual or group study using a computer, tablet or smartphone.

This training is designed to improve your ability to develop authentic, enjoyable and lasting relationships, as well as your ability to prevent and resolve conflict.

The principles you can learn have the potential to impact every area of your life, including your family, friendships, church, school and workplace performance, career advancement, and most importantly, your witness for Christ.

You can find a detailed description of the new course at the RW Academy, which includes a four-minute Course Trailer that illustrates the interactive features of the course, as well as a topical outline and answers to sixteen frequently asked questions.


The normal price for the course is $79 for individuals and $70 for groups of two or more, but we’re offering a 30% discount through August 5 (just use discount code d03eht when you register).

You can study individually but it’s even better with a group, whether with personal friends, your elder or deacon board, a management or ministry team, a high school or college fellowship group, missionary team, or your own spouse and children.

Please take a few minutes to explore the ways that this new training could enhance your ability to love God with all your heart and to love your neighbor as yourself.

– Ken Sande

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

© 2015 Ken Sande

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