Building Momentum

By God’s grace, we have built marvelous momentum this year on multiple fronts … and we need your help to keep it going.

Corlette and I delivered 25 seminars and presentations in the last three months alone (see our entire 2015 calendar here). We’ve now taught RW live to over 36,000 people, with another 2,000 people training through our online courses. Our Approved Presenters and Certified Instructors have taught hundreds more.

Here’s a sample of the feedback on some of this year’s events.

I had to flee my marriage due to domestic abuse. But God helped me to make a safe home for my daughters and finish med school. I now work with Roma, teen­agers, and victims of abuse in Slovakia. I was thrilled to learn about RW at the European Leadership Forum and plan to use it in every part of my life. Talitha, M.D.

This year was even better than last year as you connected RW so practically to the students’ lives. Spot on! This seminar is badly needed by teens and young adults and my prayer is that you have many more opportunities to serve this age group. Can we get you on the OneLife calendar for next year?! Derek, Executive Director

RW has major implications for all of my work with Classical Conversations. It will help me be more effective as a ministry representative. I can do workshops for our homeschool families and also use it to emphasize the development of “soft skills” in our high school program. This is priceless! Laura, Area Representative

I’ve been involved in far too many missionary team conflicts. Even though we’re all committed to ministry, many of us lack relational maturity and practical skills. RW goes a long way toward curing this deficiency. I love teaching it! Steve, Missionary

The church as a whole needs improvement in caring for one another. We’ve had a resurgence of solid theology but often lack a practical living out of that theology. As soon as I learned about RW at the CCEF Conference I realized this has tremendous value for the body of Christ, so I’m excited to start training! David, Pastor

I struggle with a “justice complex” and am often critical of others. I believe God sent RW as the next step in my growth as a King’s kid. I hope to model and teach these concepts to my employees and members of my church. In fact, I already taught the “Disastrous Employee” article a week ago. Bob, Business Owner

We thank God for this impact and for the lives that are being changed as more and more people learn, practice and now teach relational wisdom in their homes, churches, and businesses. But we’ve barely begun to meet the need for this kind of training …

We’ve rigorously tested the RW paradigm, confirmed its theological integrity, and proven its value in a variety of settings. We now need to take our materials to the next level so that they can be accessed on an even wider scale. Here are our six top priorities.

  • Complete the process of rerecording and uploading our core training to a new online learning management system called “Pathwright” to take advantage of interactive, adult-learning methodology
  • Develop a DVD-based resource set for Sunday school and small groups so that relational wisdom can be taught more easily in a greater number of settings
  • Complete an App for smart phones and tablets so that RW concepts will be readily accessible for Christians to share and apply with others
  • Complete the first book on relational wisdom (which is now about 50% done) and get it to the publisher (finally!)
  • Progressively develop a series of elective courses that teach how to apply relational wisdom in specific settings (marriage, parenting, workplace, church, missions, crisis pregnancy centers, military, etc.).
  • Pilot test relational wisdom in Latin America as the first step to developing a Spanish version of our material

We’ve already laid the groundwork for these projects, but in order to complete them, we need a major infusion of revenue so I can slow my travel and teaching for a few months and focus intensely on resource development.

We also need to add 1½ new staff positions to take over some of my administrative and teaching responsibilities, which will also help to free me to focus on completing these key resources.

Our goal is to raise $175,000 this month to fund these resources and expand our impact to a much wider circle of churches, ministries, and Christian-owned businesses.

Corlette and I would deeply appreciate your prayers and financial support for these efforts. Your gift or monthly pledge will help us to spread gospel-centered relational teaching—and witnessing–around the world.

Warmly in Christ,


Click here to donate by credit card, make a monthly pledge, or give a non-cash donation

A stock donation can be financially smart for you and increase your impact. Giving appreciated stock may allow you to avoid capital gains taxes while claiming the deduction at fair market value. This allows you to steward your resources carefully while investing in our mission generously. Since the stock market has posted several high return years, now could be a great time to give. Please call or email us for details.

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

© 2015 Ken Sande

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