A Two Week Sprint

SprintI love to run. Primarily because it takes me away from electronic distractions and gives me time alone with God.

Running also triggers the release of endorphins in my body. They often combine with the joy of worship to produce an exhilaration that triggers a burst of creativity. That’s why most of my ideas for teaching and writing originated on dirt trails near my home.

But there is another kind of running that is even more exhilarating, and I just came off a two week sprint.

It began in Los Angeles, where I had the privilege of teaching a seminar at Saddleback Church and then discussing ways that RW might fit into their multifaceted vision for outreach and discipleship.

The next day I visited the headquarters of the Foursquare Church to brainstorm strategies for using our materials. That evening I met with a group of people connected to Biola University who wanted to talk about ways to apply relational wisdom both personally and professionally.

Just hearing how these three organizations are advancing the kingdom of God was exciting. Exploring ways we might work together was even more exhilarating.

A few days later Corlette and I flew to Wisconsin, where we taught a church leadership seminar and led a three-day marriage retreat for Faith Community Church. Sunday night we kissed goodbye at the airport (more endorphins!). She headed home while I flew to Pennsylvania.

I spent the next four days engaging thirty-one college freshmen who are part of an outstanding nine-month “gap year” program called OneLife, which is based at Lancaster Bible College.

What a privilege! I was honored by how honestly and discretely they shared their stories, struggles, and dreams with me. And I was thrilled to see how quickly they embraced the core principles of relational wisdom and applied them to the relational challenges in their lives.

I then presented a full Discovering Relational Wisdom Seminar for church and business leaders in Lancaster. Finally, I visited the regional headquarters for the Association of Christian Schools International to plan an RW presentation to 700 top high school students in November.

To cap off my teaching sprint, I had dinner in Philadelphia Friday evening with two of my dearest friends, Dave and Nan Powlison. In addition to enjoying warm fellowship, we confirmed plans for presenting a day of RW training in conjunction with the 2015 National Conference of the Christian Counseling and Educational Foundation, which Dave is privileged to lead.

In between these seminars and meetings, I met or consulted by phone with several other churches, ministries, and businesses that want to teach and apply relational wisdom and biblical peacemaking in their organizations.

But what was especially exhilarating to me over the past two weeks was the fact that I wasn’t the only one teaching RW.

Other Certified RW Instructors were also in action, taking relational wisdom into churches, schools, and businesses in their communities. I am so proud of them as they are refining their skills and finding more and more opportunities to teach these concepts across the U.S. and Canada.

Please keep all of us in your prayers as we press ahead in our race to promote gospel-centered relationships as widely and effectively as we possibly can in the days ahead.

And if you’d like to explore the possibility of having one of our instructors serve your church, ministry, or business, please let me know through our Speaking Request Page. We are eager to run your way!

– Ken Sande

 Reflection Questions

  • What is it about relational wisdom that makes it applicable to church leaders and members alike, as well as business managers, counselors, and students in both high school and college?
  • How might improved relational skills benefit your family, church, business, or community?
  • What role might God be calling you to play in modeling and teaching RW in your sphere of influence? (check out our Advanced Training Program)

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

© 2014 Ken Sande

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