Save 40% and then Smile

Smile 2 (200x200)There are three things I’d like to do to put a smile on your face this week.

First, I’d like to offer you a 40% discount on our online seminar, Discovering Relational Wisdom.

The concepts presented in this seminar have been taught to over 20,000 people in the past two years. Here’s how these people have been weaving relational wisdom into daily life.

“Last night a conflict arose at an elders’ meeting. The elders helped each other by applying RW. I heard one of them tell another man, “You need to RW this, brother!’ He ‘RW’d it,’ and returned to the meeting with a calm heart.” David M., Pastor

“I was dreading a family reunion because my sister and I always end up in an argument. I prayed for days that God would give me grace to practice both the READ and SERVE principles whenever we talked. It was amazing! Not a single quarrel, and the deepest sharing we’ve done in years.” Amy S., A Relieved Sister

“There are daily opportunities to apply RW in our pregnancy center with the directors, nurses, volunteers, and of course the frightened women who come to us for help … often in great conflict from boyfriends or parents.” Martha H., Counselor

“My 15-year-old daughter doesn’t like many of the teachings I have found for her to listen to with me, but she enjoys the teachings from RW360!” Kim R., Parent

“I’m excited to teach our employees skills that will make them more productive at work, and more likely to have good relationships at home. But most of all, I love the way RW opens the way for me to live out and talk about my faith in Christ.” Steve P., CEO

“Relational wisdom is invaluable in the mission field. Nationals quickly notice relational hypocrisy of missionaries and become less receptive to the claims of the gospel. Conversely, there is a direct positive correlation between good relationships among missionaries and long-term ministry impact.” Kyshia W., Missionary

“Christian schools have to constantly navigate tensions between teachers, students, administrators, and parents. Relational wisdom is like a lubricating oil that reduces friction, promotes understanding, and saves a lot of time.” Tim K., principal

“RW is an invaluable tool for shepherding estranged couples through a healing process that rebuilds safe and genuine relationships.” Craig C., Marriage Counselor

Would you like to develop these kinds of relational skills? For the next week, you can access this five-hour, online seminar, including a 20-page study guide, for $15 rather than the usual $25.

The second thing I’d like to do is to offer you a new, enhanced version of our free RW Personal Study Course. This course is comprised of seven weeks of daily devotionals that include Bible study, reading select blog posts, evaluating movies, and journaling personal applications.

Corlette and I have been going through the Personal Study Course this summer with our children, and we have been amazed by their personal transparency and insightful applications. Young people really are hungry for authentic relationships!

You can access both the 101 Discovering Relational Wisdom Seminar and the 102 RW Personal Study Course by visiting our Training Registration page. Be sure to use the promotional code “smile3” within one week to get your 40% discount … and feel free to share it with your friends.

Third, I’d like to invite you to take just two minutes to watch the following video clip. It will surely put a smile on your face—and show you how your smile can change another person’s life. (If a video screen doesn’t appear below, click here.)

If you’d like to learn more about the power of a smile, please read Serving a Barista and Seven Benefits of a Smile.

But first sign up for our online training and then smile, knowing you not only saved 40% (using the promotional code “smile3“) but also began the process of improving every relationship in your life.

– Ken Sande

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think the teens walking by Tinny Davidson’s house felt before they saw her each morning, and how do you think they felt afterwards? Why do you think her smile and wave meant so much to them?
  • Who are some people in your life you could encourage simply by greeting them every day with a warm smile and a genuine interest in their lives?
  • If you don’t think a smile can change another person’s life, take a few minutes to read Serving a Barista and Seven Benefits of a Smile.

Permission to distribute: Please feel free to download, print, or electronically share this message in its entirety for non-commercial purposes with as many people as you like.

© 2014 Ken Sande

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