A Wise Son Makes a Glad Father

Jeff (248x300)One of the many joys I had last year was seeing my 20-year-old son teaching relational wisdom to business managers and top high school students.

RW in the Workplace

In November, Jeff and I flew to California, where we had the privilege of presenting a Discovering RW Seminar to twenty-five managers and their spouses at Plant Sciences, Inc., a premier agricultural research company with an international clientele.

Jeff began his part of our presentation by describing how relational wisdom improved his relationship with his mother during his senior year in high school. Since he had been seeking greater independence at the same time that Corlette had been trying to “fine tune” some of his character traits, we had no small amount of conflict in our home … until, as Jeff explained, he and his mother began to seriously practice RW. (More on this in a future blog post.)

Jeff then shifted his presentation to the workplace by describing two associate managers he had served while working for a previous employer. One of the most stressful tasks their team did was to do a “floor set,” which involved a major changeover of all the merchandise in the store.

One of his managers had excellent relational skills. When he was leading the team, the work was fun, the employees interacted with great efficiency, and they usually finished ahead of schedule.

The other manager was relationally clumsy. When he was in charge, floor sets were extremely stressful, the employees were less efficient, and they usually had to work overtime.

Jeff’s point was simple: managers with good relational skills are not only easier to work for (thus lowering employee turnover), but they also improve the productivity and bottom-line profitability of the companies they serve (hundreds of studies support this point).

RW in High School

From California, Jeff and I flew to Washington, D.C. where we spoke at a student leadership conference sponsored by the Association of Christian Schools International. Our audience was comprised of 700 top high school students from forty Christian schools on the east coast.

Speaking from the heart rather than a set of notes, Jeff connected immediately with his audience. He related naturally to the excitement, fears and questions that each of them has as they navigate volatile teenage relationships and launch into the next phase of their lives.

As Jeff described the way that relational wisdom has impacted his personal, family, and work relationships, I saw students move from laughter to tears and back again. After our presentation, the conference host asked us to stay on stage to field questions that the students eagerly fired at us. One question to Jeff was, “What one piece of advice would you give to a high school senior?”

Jeff smiled at me and whispered, “Don’t fall out of your chair, Dad,” and then answered: “Listen to your parents. There is no one in this world who loves you more, knows you better, cares more about your success, or has as much relevant wisdom to offer you as they do.”

Then with a smile, he added, “I would have saved myself a great deal of grief if I had followed that advice more consistently when I was your age.”

I didn’t fall out of my chair … but I almost burst with pride. My son has become a man who is now teaching wisdom principles to others.

Shortly after the conference, we received a lengthy email from a student named Kaitlyn. Among other things, she wrote this:

“What especially hit me was the SERVE acronym and your quote, “Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.”  No matter where I go—school, Wal-Mart, or Dollar Tree—I can bless others with the love of God. And sometimes all it takes is a smile to show the joy I have in my Savior and to open the way for telling others that He is standing before them with His arms stretched wide.”

Whether your children are two, twenty, or much older, I encourage you make every effort to teach them the relational principles presented in Scripture and modeled by Jesus. As your children grow in wisdom and grace, you too can experience the wonderful truth of Proverbs 15:20,

 “A wise son makes a glad father.”

– Ken Sande

The Association of Christian Schools International has approved our 101 Discovering RW Seminar for five hours of Continuing Education Credit. This training is available live and online. If you work in an ACSI school, or know someone else who does, you can learn more about this training by downloading this summary.

Reflection Questions

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© 2014 Ken Sande

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